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Myofascial Release Therapist
Licensed Occupational Therapist (TN and FL)
Jeff Tatlonghari - Myofascial Release Therapist
Achievements & Certifications
  • 1995: Cardiopulmonary Sciences: University of Central Florida

  • 2001: Occupational Therapy: Florida International University

  • 2008: Certified in Neuro IFRAH(R)

  • 2018: John F. Barnes’ Myofascial Release  I

  • 2019: John F. Barnes’ Myofascial Release II, Myofascial Unwinding, Fascial-Pelvis Myofascial Release

  • 2020:  Skill Enhancement Seminar

  • 2021: John F. Barnes' Cervical-Thoracic Myofascial Release, Myofascial Rebounding, Fascial Cranium , Equine MFR I

  • 2022:  John F. Barnes' Quantum Leap, Fascial-Pelvis Myofascial Release (repeat), Advanced Unwinding

  • 2023:  Myofascial Rebounding, Fascial Cranium

Jeff was raised in Central Florida, and in 1995 he graduated from the University of Central Florida with his degree in Cardiopulmonary Sciences. His first job in healthcare was at Arnold Palmer Children's Hospital as a Respiratory Therapist in the neonatal and pediatric acute, intensive, step-down and general care settings.


After two years in this role, he was hungry for an opportunity to use his creativity in healthcare, deepen his connection with his patients,  and expand his horizons into other areas. In 2001, he graduated from Florida International University in Occupational Therapy, and has been practicing as a licensed occupational therapist in settings including acute, inpatient, outpatient, skilled nursing/long term care, home health and private practice.


Of the hundreds of hours of continuing education required for active licensure, Jeff has realized the contributions of two approaches that were not only life changing, but perspective enhancing for himself and for those to whom he has provided care.  Jeff has achieved certification and advanced training in Neuro IFRAH(R) through Waleed Al-Oboudi, where he specialized in the assessment, treatment and management of individuals affected by stroke or brain injury. In 2018, Jeff took his first course in John F. Barnes’ Myofascial Release Approach.  While this may have marked his first formal training in myofascial release, John F. Barnes' Approach resonated intuitively with his being, his personal healing journey and the possibilities and depth of connection he sought to share with supporting and helping others.  2021 marked his leap of faith to provide only this treatment through his private practice.


Jeff Tatlonghari - Myofascial Release Therapist
Jeff Tatlonghari - Myofascial Release Therapist

To continue his development in technical proficiency, therapeutic artistry and compassionate care, he has enjoyed investing his time (individual courses are on average 20+ hours) and has completed (in some cases, repeated) the following John F. Barnes’ Myofascial Release courses: MFR I, MFR II, Unwinding, Fascial Pelvis, Skill Enhancement Seminar, Cervical Thoracic, Rebounding, Fascial Cranium, Equine MFR I, Quantum Leap, and Advanced Unwinding.


To deepen his understanding and to enhance his ability to provide the support and to create the space which facilitates the opportunities to shift one’s state, he also attends study groups and receives Myofascial Release treatment himself (from other John F. Barnes trained practitioners and through self care).


Jeff is a loving husband, father of 2 young men, 1 dog, 1 bird, and a supportive son and brother. Each day, his connection with the flow he seeks during treatment is enjoyed with his personal practices, self care, and enjoyment of surfing and martial arts.

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