
“Fascia is a tough connective tissue which spreads throughout the body in a three-dimensional web from head to foot without interruption. Trauma, posture or inflammation can create a binding down of fascia resulting in excessive pressure on nerves, muscles, blood vessels, osseous structures and/or organs.”
-John F. Barnes, PT, LMT, international lecturer, author, and authority on Myofascial Release
"Without Awareness, There Is No Choice!" -John F. Barnes
...and Now, You have a choice for specialized Myofascial Release here with me in Nashville!
​​ As your John Barnes trained Myofascial Release Therapist, I provide you with individualized, specialized and compassionate care through a safe, gentle, non forced, non surgical, non medicated, effective manual treatment of pain, inflammation, tension, tightness, imbalance or other unexplained acute/chronic symptoms which affect not only how you feel, but how you move, how you do meaningful things, how active and how you live your best life.
Your start of care with Groundswell MFR begins with a thorough and comprehensive evaluation, information intake, educational offerings, complete consideration of contributing factors, and collaborative conversation (including addressing any questions, fears or uncertainties) as I thoughtfully provide you with an individualized Plan of Care. This initial visit also includes your first Myofascial Release treatment. Regularity, consistency and an initial frequency of treatments promote not only the opportunities for changes but also the shifts in symptoms necessary for lasting results.
Your Best Life Is Possible!
I can help.
For treatment, as your comfort level allows, clothing items such as shorts, undershorts, sports bras, tank top, short sleeved shirt, bathing suit, or basic undergarments are recommended. To address the source of your symptoms, a gentle and sustained pressure will be applied to varied locations of fascial restrictions, which may or may not be where a symptom presents itself. Please refrain from the use of skin moisturizers, lotions, oils, make-up or perfumes for the time of your treatment. No oils, ointments, cremes or lotions will be used during myofascial release treatment following the John Barnes Approach.​

Rates (subject to change):
Studio session rate = $170.00
Mobile service = $225.00
Full payment is required for reservation of your session's dates and times. Please refer to Groundswell MFR Policies.
Ask me how you can save $100.00, feel changes sooner and create lasting results!
Groundswell MFR, LLC does not accept insurance.
Groundswell MFR, LLC requires payment in full at time of booking and accepts cash, Zelle, Personal check, PayPal, Venmo and Employer flex spending/credit card.