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Hello, my name is Jeff...
I am a John Barnes trained Myofascial Release Therapist.
I can help you get out of pain and return to your active, meaningful and best life!
What is Fascia?
"The fascial system surrounds, infuses with, and has the potential to influence profoundly every muscle, bone, nerve, blood vessel, organ, and cell of the body.
Fascia also separates, supports, connects and protects everything.
This three-dimensional web of connective tissue is alive and ever changing as the body demands.
Thus it is a network for information exchange, influencing and influenced by every structure, system and cell in the organism."

Feel Your Heart And Light: Introducing The Myofascial Release Approach To Your Baby, Newborn Or Child
I am proud to share my newly-published hard cover book that offers a gentle, light, enjoyable, fun and an easy introduction of the Myofascial Release Approach to babies, newborns and children to be shared in the space that is created and held within the loving moments of story time. Get more information here.

Even if you're not in pain,
Everyone can benefit from Myofascial Release.
Contact us for a free phone consultation today.
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